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Mothers Day British Flowers


Send a beautiful bouquet of British blooms this Mothers Day.


Our Mothers Day bouquets use seasonal British flowers, with less air miles and a much lower carbon & chemical footprint than imported flowers. They will include plenty of pretty flowers included such as tulips, alstroemerias, hyacinths, narcissus and eucalyptus.


There are 3 sizes florist choice seasonal bouquets to choose from which will be a lovely mixture of spring colours.

If you would like an extra special bouquet or something bespoke please contact me.


You can collect from my workshop on East Shilvinghampton Farm in Portesham on Saturday 26th March before 4pm, Sunday 27th March before 1pm. If you wish to collect please specify the day & time in the notes.

Delivery Sunday 27th March is available within 10 miles of Weymouth and will be an additional £3.50. 


Thank you for shopping local and supporting British flowers.

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